5 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition
Photo courtesy of @papayalovin
Intuition is a faculty that allows us to feel or sense something to be true without the use of conscious reasoning.
Likened to an inner voice or compass, intuition can be seen as a muscle we’re all born with that needs to be nurtured with practice and trust. A well-developed intuition guides us in decision-making that comes from a deep and resonant place, making each yes and no more accessible and clear, more aligned with who we are.
However, our wounds, fears and ego can easily masquerade as intuition. This makes it essential that we do our inner work, and practice accountability, so we can distinguish whether stress or our inner voice is running the show. One clue: intuition speaks calmly and with nuance. It comes from a place of mindful, detached, observation rather than emotional charge.
To help you cultivate this discernment, and to learn what accessing intuition feels and looks like for you, take a look at the tips we’ve gathered below:
Slow down. Be still.
It’s very difficult to connect with inner guidance when you’re in constant motion. Meditation & breathing practices allow you to pause the external & internal chatter, meet the workings of your mind and become present to your own wisdom. Unplugging from electronic devices similarly serves to remove distractions and re-establish your own rhythms and ground of being. So does spending time in nature, and moving at its speed, which soothes and stabilizes your nervous system.
Listen to your body.
Both intuition and emotional truths make themselves felt through the (often subtle) sensations of your body. Learn to read your body, scan it for insight into how you feel (relaxed or tense, for example), especially when confronted with a decision. Discernment is important here too: unpleasant feelings can point to either fearful habits of thought, or intuitive guidance.
Commit to your inner work.
Remain self-reflective, curious about your own impulses and what motivates them.
Converse with your inner guide.
Begin a relationship with your intuition by inviting conversation. Ask for clarity on questions you’re grappling with, journal about any thoughts, feelings or images that arise. Sometimes our inner self offers insight into our waking lives through our dreams, often through recurring themes; add these to your journal too.
Exercise trust.
Experiment with following your instincts as a gesture of trust in your inner voice. Do this mindfully, compassionately observing your feelings, choices and consequences. Relax into this process of discovery, of deepening your relationship with yourself.
Making space to hear your inner voice is how you connect to and align with its promptings & wisdom. Your intuition can help you intuit your right path and guide you to your next right action.