November — 11/19
6:30pm UK time
Autumn-themed cookalong with Susie Woods
Join us for an evening of cooking a delicious, seasonal, healing meal––from the comfort of your own kitchen! This cookalong and open house will offer a sneak peek into the Academy Healing Nutrition’s Longevity Diet principles, as well as our unique and dynamic holistic health coaching programme (starts March 2021).
In this optional cookalong, you will learn how to make a recipe that is particularly medicinal for the autumn season. You will learn a bit about food energetics, as well as the art of seasonal eating to foster dynamic, radiant, resilient health.
The cookalong will be taught by holistic health practitioner, founder of Hara Healing, and AHN grad, Susie Woods. AHN Co-Founder, Patricia Lopez, will also share key details about joining our holistic health coaching programme in 2021.
Interested in learning more ahead of the event? Visit our website:
Email or call +447707974508 to speak to a course representative