Basic Congee Recipe

*photo by Klara Avsenik

*photo by Klara Avsenik

This hydrating and easily digestible porridge is especially nourishing for recovering bodies. The astragalus root also supports our immune system.


• 9 cups water (or stock or bone broth)
• 1 teaspoon sea salt
• 3/4 cup white rice (sushi or arborio work well too)
• 1 teaspoon olive or untoasted sesame oil
• 7-10 pieces astragalus root (if available)


Bring water and salt to boil in a large pot. Toss oil and rice together and add to pot along with astragalus root. Cook for 5 minutes, cover with lid (tilted to let steam escape) and simmer for 45 minutes to an hour, stirring as needed.

If desired, add sliced daikon to the pot after 30 minutes. Once cooked, the congee can also be topped with sautéed onions, ginger, garlic and leafy greens, sliced fresh scallions, tamari, toasted sesame oil and gomasio, and chicken for those who include it in their diets.

Note: warming herbs and spices (such as ginger) and tonic herbs (such as astragalus) should be avoided during a fever.

Eden Connelly