How To Perform A New Moon Ritual For Manifestations
*photo by Terry Richmond
Moon rituals have been practiced throughout the world for millennia. This celestial body has long been revered for its power to control the tides of the oceans and those within our own bodies - we are made mostly of water, after all. The moon is also understood to influence our emotional self, in all its fluidity, and our access to our inner knowing.
Ceremonies that aim to align us with the qualities of each phase of the lunar cycle are an important part of many ancient traditions. Continuing these practices is a meaningful way to be in communion with the heartbeat of the natural world, and with yourself, an invitation to step inwards.
A new, dark, moon in particular is a potent time of beginnings, an opportunity for a reset. It is the fertile void where all creation is possible, where new projects are birthed. Its energy supports us in clarifying, refreshing or recommitting to what we want to bring into this next cycle of our own lives.
Holding space for stillness, for connecting to your intuition, needs and goals, is essential to consciously creating change. A New Moon ritual is a tool that can help you identify the intentions you want to set and manifest as the moon waxes toward fullness.
*photo by Jessica Delp
Ritual, by definition, is any set of actions or gestures that we repeat, and that we invest with meaning. In practice, it both grounds us by centering us in the present moment, and simultaneously places us in the midst of something larger than ourselves, in the container of the sacred space we create (or uncover).
The influence of each new moon extends for 2-3 days, giving you a little cushion of time for your ritual. As each new moon approaches, you might want to look into the astrological placement of that moon for direction or guidance in which aspects of life are pronounced right now.
Here’s what you’ll need for this ritual: incense, some essential oil (stimulating and refreshing rosemary, basil, juniper or peppermint are especially helpful), sea salt, a white candle, pen and paper.
Draw a warm bath to which you’ve added sea salt and a few drops of essential oil.
Light the incense, directing its smoke over your body to cleanse any stagnant energies before stepping into the bath.
Allow yourself to relax and, when you’re ready, begin to name the beliefs and habits that do not, or no longer, serve you. Recognize the role each played in trying to meet a need or protect you, and release them with the water as it drains, making space for the new.
When you are out of the bath, light your candle, declaring your willingness to learn from life’s lessons, to stay open to possibilities and new opportunities, and to your intentions taking shape in a way that is for the greatest good of all.
Now, you’ll identify the qualities, behaviors and visions that you want to grow in this upcoming cycle, that connect you to your joy and creativity. With paper and pen, write these intentions down. Take care to frame each one as a present action, and to use language that affirms instead of negates (for example, “I am developing the practices that restore my health” instead of “I won’t be impatient while I am learning healthier habits”).
As the candle burns down, visualize in detail the fullest expression of your intentions. Keep their list where you can reread it each morning.